Judging Criteria

Performance - 25 Points

  • captivating stage presence

  • originality of combos and transitions, and performance concept

  • performance cohesiveness

  • flawless execution of pole and floor movement

  • audience connection

Choreography - 20 Points

  • seamless pole combinations choreographed to competitor’s music

  • smooth transitions from floor to pole and pole to floor

  • creative floor work movement choreographed to competitor’s music

  • showing full use of the stage

Execution of Skills - 20 Points

  • showing control and stamina throughout the full performance

  • flexibility moves shown to the fullest extension

  • strength moves performed with confidence and cleanliness

  • clean technique both entering and exiting skills

Presentation - 20 Points

  • high energy performance

  • completeness of performance

  • costume matches theme of performance

  • concept matches music

Difficulty of Skills - 15 Points

  • difficulty of pole skills

  • difficulty of floor skills

  • difficulty of transitions both on to and off of the pole


  • If a competitor uses the rig at any point during their routine - 5 point deduction from each judge

  • Genitalia exposure - 2 point deduction from each judge

  • If a prop enters the audience area - 1 point deduction from each judge

Scoring Guide